More currencies will be available as we open service to international vendors in your locality.
10 currencies we offer on Millennia compared to 1 US dollar
01. United States Dollar (USD) = 1.00 | 02. Australian Dollar (AUD) = 1.48 | 03. Canadian Dollar (CAD) = 1.37 | 04. Euro (EUR) = 0.91 | 05. Japanese Yen (JPY) = 148.57 | 06. New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) = 32.24 | 07. New Zealand Dollar (NZD) = 1.64 | 08 Polish Zloty (PLN) = 3.93 | 09. Pound Sterling (GBP) = 0.77 | 10. South Korean Won (KRW) = 1350.66 | 11. Swiss Franc (CHF) = 0.86 | 12. Vietnamese Dong (VND) = 24843.89
Only currencies we offer on Millennia will display exchange rates. Lower exchange rates are less than 1.00 and is more expensive than the USD, higher exchanges rates are higher than 1.00 and is less expensive than the USD.
These rates will be updated occasionally every year and published on the date it was noticed. Should there be a difference in exchange rates from checkout to what is listed, checkout rates will prevail.