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Keurig “Keeps pumping water”


Did you relocate your Keurig?

Occasionally, we like to re-arrange our furniture and/or appliances to a more suitable spot for accessibility. So we decided to move our Keurig to another spot and plug it in another outlet or maybe extension cord. Let’s turn it on and brew some coffee. Uh oh, what the heck, the water keeps coming out during preheat!


What if there’s water inside?

In this case with Keurig non-commercial brewers, the most we can remove is the water reservoir as there may still be water inside the unit. Instead, we move the whole thing with the water reservoir with water in it.

After relocating the Keurig:

  1. Plug in the unit and DO NOT turn it on. It will start Preheating mode and dispense water instead of boiling it. It won’t stop dispensing until there is no water left in the reservoir for it to feed, then turns off.
  2. Let the unit idle for at least 30 minutes, the more the merrier. There is a device inside the unit that opens/closes a valve to allow water flow into the boiler called a Solenoid. The wire coil needs to get energized before it starts to operate. When the unit is unplugged, its energization has been disrupted.
  3. Turn on the Keurig. It will begin to preheat. No water should dispense. But, we may hear a weird sound like its stomach is growling. This is the sound of the Solenoid energizing or starting up after it has been shutdown from service.

The Keurig is on standby mode when its plugged in an outlet rather than off mode. The Solenoid needs continuous uninterrupted power to operate normally. We recommend do not turn on and off the power of the unit to save energy during use as this troubleshooting will always happen, permanently damaging the Solenoid. When we experience an interruption of power such as a city blackout, repeat steps 1-2-3 to happy brewing again.

What is ISBN+Barcodes?

What is ISBN+Barcodes? As defined by Bowker;

“ISBN” stands for “International Standard Book Number”.

The ISBN identifies a book or other book-like product (such as an audiobook) in a specific format and edition, but also the publisher. If an ISBN is obtained from a company other than the official ISBN Agency, or one of its channel partners, that ISBN might not identify the publisher of the title accurately. This can have implications for doing business in the publishing industry supply chain.

The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.

If you are located in the United States, or a territory of the USA (Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, America Samoa, as well as military bases and embassies), Bowker is the official registration agency of the ISBN.

ISBNs are the global standard for identifying titles
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